I am a faculty instructor at the Department of Diagnostic, Molecular and Interventional Radiology and the Windreich Department of Artificial Intelligence and Human Health at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Previously I was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Imaging Biomarkers and Computer-Aided Diagnosis Laboratory at NIH Clinical Center. I got my PhD from University of Virginia.

My research is medical imaging analysis, focusing on the development of large-scale datasets and innovative computational tools for radiology.


  1. Received Certificate of Merit Award at RSNA24 Scientific Poster Session - 12/24
  2. Happy to serve as a Program Chair to organize MIDL25, please check out the Call for Papers and the full paper registration deadline is 17 January 2025. - 11/24
  3. Happy to serve as a TPC reviewer for ISBI2025 -10/24
  4. We are organizing a special section on theranostics for the Journal of Medical Imaging SPIE, please check it out at this link and mark your calendar for the submission opening in mid-November. -09/24
  5. MRISegmentator-Abdomen for T1w images: model, paper, dataset (coming soon!) - 07/24
  6. Received NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE) Award 2025 - 07/24
  7. Manuscripts accepted at RSNA24, Radiology, IEEE TMI - 07/24
  8. Papers submitted to Radiology, Medical Physics, npj Digital Medicine, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision - 06/24
  9. Papers accepted at CMIG and IEEE TPAMI - 01/24

Last update: 12/2024


  1. Yan Zhuang, Tejas Sudharshan Mathai, Pritam Mukherjee, Brandon Khoury, Boah Kim, Benjamin Hou, Nusrat Rabbee, and Ronald M. Summers. " MRISegmentator-Abdomen: A Fully Automated Multi-Organ and Structure Segmentation Tool for T1-weighted Abdominal MRI. " arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.05944 (2024). model, dataset (coming soon!)
  2. Hassan, Mohamed Abul, Yan Zhuang, Mohammad Shifat-E-Rabbi, Chad Aldridge, Andrew Southerland, and Gustavo Rohde. " Augmenting Early Stroke Diagnosis With an Eye-Tracker." Research square preprint (2024).

Recent Publications

  1. Kim, Boah, Yan Zhuang, Tejas Sudharshan Mathai, and Ronald M. Summers. " OTMorph: Unsupervised Multi-domain Abdominal Medical Image Registration Using Neural Optimal Transport." IEEE TMI (2024).
  2. Rubaiyat, Abu Hasnat Mohammad, Shiying Li, Xuwang Yin, Mohammad Shifat-E-Rabbi, Yan Zhuang, and Gustavo K. Rohde. "End-to-end signal classification in signed cumulative distribution transform space.", IEEE TPAMI (2024).

You can check my GoogleScholar for the full publication.

Models & Datasets

  1. MRISegmentator-Abdomen for T1w images: model, paper, dataset (coming soon!)
  2. Segmentation of pelvic structures in T2 MRI: dataset, paper
  3. Local sliced-wasserstein feature sets for 2D image: code, paper

Professional Service and Awards

  • Associate editor: Journal of Medical Imaging (JMI), 01 2024 – Present
  • Guest editor: JMI Special issue on Medical Imaging Theragnostics
  • Program Chair: Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) 2025
  • TPC board member: Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) 2023/2024
  • Machine Learning for Health 2021 (ML4H2021) program committee
  • Certificate of Merit Award at RSNA24 Scientific Poster Session
  • NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE) Award 2024
  • NIH Visiting Fellow Award 2022/2023
  • University of Virginia Engineering Research Symposium 2021 Finalist, NSF BHI2019 Travel Award, ACM MobiHoc2015 Student Travel Grant
  • Reviewer: Journal of Medical Imaging, IEEE JBHI Journal, MIA Journal, JAMIA Journal, MICCAI2023, MIDL2023, IEEE ISBI2023, NeurIPS ML4H, NeurIPS TS4H, NeuroImage, IEEE TSC, IEEE INFOCOM, ACM IMWUT, IEEE&ACM CHASE, IEEE Access.

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